
TiHKAL/PiHKAL Memorial Edition: Meet the Editor

How did I get here? The last thing I remember, I was saying that “someone” should put together a memorial edition of Ann and Sasha’s works PiHKAL and TiHKAL as a benefit for them, like an art retrospective or academic festschrift. Perhaps I got too specific when I suggested that


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Vibrata Chromodoris: A Creative Force Behind Transform Press

Transform Press is very fortunate to be working with a talented, dedicated artist and graphic designer named Vibrata Chromodoris. Vibrata brings a unique skill set, vision, and familiarity with the psychedelic community that is a perfect fit for our mission to preserve and publish the


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Joshua Marker on the PiHKAL / TiHKAL Memorial Edition

As editor of the upcoming memorial edition of Sasha and Ann Shulgin’s books, PiHKAL and TiHKAL, I’m excited to offer you sneak peeks at some of the new bonus material that will be exclusive to this edition. To create it, we reached out to dozens of students, friends,


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Transform Press – “Spiral” Excerpt

Transform Press’s first publication of 2016 should be an exciting event for Shulgin readers, both new and old. It will be a special four-volume memorial edition of PiHKAL and TiHKAL, commemorating the 25th anniversary of the original publication of PiHKAL. This special edition will include the original text of both


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Three New Publications from Transform Press Are Coming Soon!

Twenty sixteen is shaping up to be an exciting year for Transform Press. Not only have we become a separate sister organization of the Alexander Shulgin Research Institute (ASRI) and launched this new website, but we are planning to publish three new books. Transform Press was created


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Recent News

Shulgin Documentary: Better Living through Chemistry,

The Shulgin documentary, Better Living through Chemistry, produced and directed by Connie Littlefield, is now available! Find it now on all pay-per-view platforms, everywhere: Youtube, Apple TV, Microsoft and Google TV, and Amazon.


Free Pamphlet: The Benefits Of Using Psychedelics

FREE PAMPHLET TO DOWNLOAD! Why take psychedelics?
Nearly all cultures across the globe have used some type of psychedelic plant to alter their consciousness in order to gain knowledge helpful to their well-being. For example, shamans in the Amazon smoke large amounts of tobacco, and during these lucid awakenings, they commune with the plants that share what medicinal value they are good for


The Nature of Drugs, Volume One Audiobook

Free audio samples! Step into the classroom with the Godfather of Psychedelics! Listen to Sasha Shulgin in The Nature of Drugs, Volume One audiobook. Listening
