Joshua Marker on the PiHKAL / TiHKAL Memorial Edition

As editor of the upcoming memorial edition of Sasha and Ann Shulgin’s books, PiHKAL and TiHKAL, I’m excited to offer you sneak peeks at some of the new bonus material that will be exclusive to this edition. To create it, we reached out to dozens of students, friends, and luminaries of psychedelic history to share their experiences with Sasha in honor of his recent passing. In addition to these essays of remembrance, we’ve amassed hundreds of rarely-seen photographs.

One of the treats about putting this edition together has been seeing and choosing images of Ann and Sasha in their earlier days—the books mostly focus on their later lives, after each had already been married once—here’s my favorite of Sasha looking dashing in a beret (and with a pipe!) and one of many of Ann looking beautiful; dates unknown.

Future sneak peeks will include an excerpt from one of the psychedelic greats on Sasha’s role in the current florescence of MDMA research. After that, we’ll offer some very early photographs, including one that shows, shall we say, a more whimsical side of a four-year-old Sasha.

The memorial edition content is complete and production is beginning, so you’ll see the four-volume set soon. In the meantime, we’ll be posting more excerpts of the bonus material here on the Transform Press website. In sharing this material, we hope you’ll come to anticipate the publication of this new edition with as much enthusiasm as we are.


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